Here I am at college. At the ripe old age of 17. Unable to sign a waiver or my dorm room lease. It's strange, but a welcome kind of strange. I have a feeling I'll like it here. I've already done quite a few things:
1. Wore my red cowgirl boots for good luck.
2. Got blisters on my right foot from said boots. {worth it}
3. Figured out the shuttle schedule.
4. Wrote two papers.
5. Met charming lovely people.
6. Didn't show up more than 10 minutes late for any class.
7. Decided the second day of school would be a good day to barf.
8. Missed my baby brother who started middle school today.
9. Bought all my text books.
10 .Experienced first day nerves.
11. Applied for student counsel.
12. Decided to sign up for greek rush.
13. Got Skype.
14. Bought a parking permit.
15 Decorated my dorm room dang cute.
16. Decided that I am going to hold my head HIGH. No more looking at the ground. Because yes I have a past, but that doesn't mean that I can't be happy today. I'm looking people in the eyes because I have nothing to be ashamed of. Realizing I am an awesome girl with a lot of kindness and opinion to offer. I'm smiling at strangers. Because I know what it's like feeling like I don't know a soul, and no one cares about me. Smiling at people makes me feel better, because maybe, just maybe, I'm bringing a little bit of sunshine to that persons day. And
17. Declared my major to special ed.
{sweetdreams. Day dreams and night dreams alike}