Seven year old Vivian and Three year old Grant. My niece and nephew:)
No good pictures yet!
I might be biased but these ARE the cutest kids EVER.
Where Are we supposed to be looking!?
I love little kids. Probably because I think like one. I get excited over small things. Such as a baby animal. A fish. A new friend. A good book. Seeing a cloud shaped like an animal. I believe in wishes. I wish on dandelilons. I wish on 11:11. I wish when I drive through a tunnel. I wish on stars, planes, and ufos. I wish when my ski lift chair stops under the wheels at my favorite ski resort. Not all of my wishes are sensible. But I mean each wish with my heart. I wish to be happy. And I wish everyone else to be happy. I care more about others being happy then I care about myself being happy. I wish on wishing wells and rivers. I believe water holds magic. It is so relaxing and when I see water I want to touch it. Be it a river, the sea, or a fountain in someones yard. I touch it and I feel relieved. Like I have no troubles in the world. And that everything is going to be okay. Because I know from experience that everything does turn out okay. It might not be what we want but it is whats going to help us. I know trials are hard, ive had my share of them. Theres been times where I was sure that I couldn't get through them but I did. Im glad, because now I can be empathetic towards other people. I know I can get through anything. Be it big or small. I have accomplished so much in my short lifetime and I know that I will definitely accomplish more.
I know everyone has something special about them. Just like there is always good about someone. When I meet people I always believe the best in them. Because I know that I'm not perfect and I will be the first person to admit that. I believe we can only judge if we are completely perfect, so I am in no position to judge others. I'm afraid of judgement. I can be shy and put walls up. But im learning that its important to show your true self to others. I don't want people to like me for someone who I pretend to be. I want them to like them for me. I want someone who doesn't care about my actions but who cares about the intentions of my heart. I know that im stubborn, I like things my way. But nobodys right all the time. We all need to be humble and take advice that others give us. Sometimes people know things about us that we didn't know about ourselves. They tell us the things that will help us grow as a person, but we don't want to hear it. If we accept that were not perfect and have flaws what they tell us to do will help us. Helping people is one of the best things that you can do in life. Always help wherever you are. Look for ways to help. It doesn't have to be big, just smiling at someone can change their life. Trust me. I know.
Take time to write letters. Maybe a letter you write will save someones life. Love everyone around you. I try too, I don't care about religion, race, job status, money or anything else. Because if you strip away all of our labels we are all the same. We just want to have somebody to love, and to be loved. Its really hard to love everyone. Especially the people who hurt you. Even if they did it on purpose. Just love them. I know that its hard. You don't know what trials they have going on in their life. Sometimes people hurt others for no reason. And that somehow makes it more hurtful. I don't know why they do it. And I don't know how to justify their actions. I wish I could stop people from hurting others. But I can't. And I don't know how to help everyone who is hurt. But I can make sure to not hurt people myself. But Trust me even the happiest looking person with a smile on their face has had a hard day. Day. I like the day, but I love the night. The night is when I feel like myself. I can stay up writing,or reading,or playing guitar. I feel like im intune with myself. I don't have outside negative influences pressuring me to be something im not. And you know what, I like myself a lot better during the night then during the day. Im gonna have to work on letting the night girl out during the day. Because trust me shes amazing.
Speaking of amazing is that one special person. The one who I stay up thinking about all the time. I hear his name and I smile. I don't have to be anyone else around him. Im just me. The night me. I hear a love song on the radio and I automatically know that its written just for me and him. He makes getting lost an adventure. Watching a movie I've seen a million times, is so much better. Because he is the boy sitting next to me. I'm 99.7% positive he likes me too. We laugh when were together. I love to laugh. Theirs something good about it. Like super good. It never fails to put me in a good mood. When I was little I used to love mood rings. Theyd change colors when my mood would change. Now I know that it doesn't exactly work like that. But its nice to believe it. I have all types of moods during the day. Happy, sad, content, jealous, humble, conceited,hopeless, hopeful, loving, loved, worthless. Thats just a normal day for me. And I wouldn't have it any other way, all of these emotions remind me that I am human and a strong one. And I know my life is crazy but I love it. I know I would never get anything done if I didn't have motivation. And ive come to realize that it can't be someone else telling you what to do. It has to be you. Make your own decisions. Never let anyone control you. Control. I like when things go my way. But unfortunately the world doesn't agree with me on that. Sometimes me and my best friend don't agree on anything. Ill tell you about him. Hes five years younger then me. Never fails to make me smile. Smart. Handsome. Witty. Caring. Always looking out for others. I just got extra lucky because he happens to be my brother as well as my best friend. I know that life is supposed to be fun. And I see the whimsical side of things. I use my imagination. I make up stories. I think of different ways to see things. And my view is pretty good. They say its always greener on the other side. But why do we have to go somewhere? Why cant we just make out own side green. We've been given the colors, its up to us to use them. Life wants us to forget who we are. But we need to stay true to ourselves. And thats important. Because when all the walls fall down and the labels are taken off we have ourselvers. And thats whats going to save us. I know who I am. And I like her. And she is who I will stay.
Song: Imperfect is the new perfect-Caitlyn Crosby
Song: Imperfect is the new perfect-Caitlyn Crosby
love. you are one hundred percent right. the grass is just as green here we just have to open our eyes as well as our hearts and look. thanks for looking for the lovely. and for being so lovely yourself.