This weekend was preference and I am embarrassed to admit that I didn't have the balls to ask a guy. On Friday night me and Nolle went to salt lake with my mom and David. We saw the new footloose movie. I did dance in my seat. No Biggs. Celebrate the little things in life right? Rained. And snowed. In the same 4 hours. Came home saturday morning and took a nice nap. Then since my stinking bestfriend decided to not answer the phone i decided a daddy daughter date(: Because I finished my LAST semester of TWO YEARS of spanish in less than a week, a celebration was in need. So my daddy bought me these really cute boots that are perfect for the snow. We had asian food, talked about politics and the latest medical controversy {what is the best medicine for blood thinning}. Then we came home and watched the phantom of the opera.

Which will alway's be one of my favorite movies. My IDIOTIC bestfriend Nib decided to call me and we concluded that we needed to make collages. So instead of preference I made collages. With the love of my life. {soul mate haha} Then I slept over {on the floor} and had a perfectly lazy sunday in saltlake going to see my mumsicles again. Love her. She is beautiful and so smart. My mom is my role model and I really could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on forever. She doesn't give up, she doesn't care what people think about her, she's GORGEOUS. She's smart and goal oriented and knows that hard work is the way to live life. She tells really great stories, and picks out husbands for me in public places. She's pretty tight. Don't worry. I love her. To the moon and back. And I know that God gave me her to get through this crazy thing called life. I don't tell you enough, but I love you. I'm trying to make you proud. And you're my bestfriend and whenever anything happens in life you're the one I want to tell. Don't forget I love you and I need you. Even though I seem to be pretty cool with a happening social life and I'm dating I'm still your little girl. "Who loves Clara? Mommy loves Clara!" "Who loves Mommy? Clara loves Mommy"! I like trying new food and traveling and laughing until I can't breathe whenever I'm with you.

This week I am grateful for
1. Bowling in P.E.
2. Bubble baths and tea
3. Books on the ipad
4. Instagram
5. Gratitude journal
6. New boots
7. Driving Nolle to school every morning
8.Red Lipstick
9. Shaving cream
10. Diet soda with lime
11. Little bro
12. My turquoise blazer
13. My savior
{Peace, Love, and Granola bars}
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