What comes to mind?
Ditzy, stupid, idiotic, ditzy, blonde jokes, fake

I'm none of those. I'm actually pretty smart. In fact I'm smarter than most brunettes and red heads I know. And obviously more humble. I am a natural blonde and while I have thought of going dark or red head I alway's stick with blonde. Because it makes me comfortable, and I feel like it reflects my personality. Easy going and fun. And more to me than meets the eye. My favorite hair is platinum blonde. I've had platinum since april of last year. This weekend I decided it was time for a change. So I drove my little butt to the hidden willow salon in lehi and sat in a chair talking to the girl who is like my sister for five hours. And wallah. My natural hair color. Honey. Darker. But still blonde. I love it. I miss the platinum. I'll probably go back for summer. But sometimes a change is nessecary. Have a good week ya'll!!!!!! Oh and yeah I know I sound drab right now...I'm half asleep. At 11 am. I've been awake for four hours. I can curl my hair, get dressed, put on makeup and eat breakfast in forty minutes. They should make a super hero after me. Speedy girl. I would of said quicky girl. But that just doesn't sound appropriate. Or blonde girl. Thats me. The blonde. Always and forever.
This week I am grateful for:
1. My Mom and that I am able to live with her after five and a half years
2. The chance to see my childhood bestfriend Kylie who is GORGEOUS.

3. My budding friendship with mr. Carson Redford
4. Veronica telling me to hijack a plane to see her
5. Thermal long underwear under all my clothes
6. Sperry's
7. Readers Digest on the Ipad {who cares if its for old people}
8. My new iphone
9. Cailie and her advice
10. Hookups apologizing
11. Grocery shopping
12. My new Fossil Vintage collection purse
13. God
I'm a sixteen year old Grandma--->
{sweetdreams. Day dreams and night dreams alike}
My favorite are #4...oh and I love the writer the mostest!
ReplyDeleteOH my favorite is #4 too!!! I love the commmenter the mostest!!!