You would think I'd learn but noooooo. Pinky promise its not intentional. Although now I can tell people I got burned saving a baby from a burning building. Nobody seems to believe me. Whatever. The key to happiness? Nutella smeared on potato chips. Don't even say its gross, it is delish. Salty and sweet. Yummy. Although now I'm on a diet so no more for this girl. Other thing I love right now? Wearing red jeans rolled up and grandma shoes from D.I. I like the look. Not so much the blisters that shoes give me. Monday I went and got Jdawgs with Jentry who was a J-dawg virgin. It is so yummy. It is heaven in a bun, divine, food of the gods. Everything a girl {or guy} could want. We also went and dropped off my glasses...I sat on them and broke off one of the arms. A weeek ago. Just now getting around to this. Of course. I seriously think my glasses need to learn how to handle pressure better. I'm ashamed. Oh and guess what? This seems to be a recurring theme but I should be doing government right now instead of blogging. Of course blogging triumphs. So have a good week ya'll {my fams from texas I'm allowed to say ya'll!}. I'm off to write my state of the union speech. Because I'm president. duh. Must of not been any other opponents...
This week I am lovign
1. Diet mountain dew {the song and the drink}
3. The pressure of english lifted off my shoulder---study hall=pinterest
4. I heart newyork teeshirts in all colors of the rainbow
5. New knockoff Princess Diana ring
6. The lying game {addictive tv show I only allow myself to watch in bed}
7. Grandma shoes and pictures I think look like a j crew ad------>
8. Going bowling in pe and sitting on my butt at the end of the lane and rolling the ball between my legs
9. The word bum. Just because.
10. That my middle name is in the proccess of legally being changed to Luna
11. The fact that people talk about me in spanish behind my back, and the shock when I start talking to them in spanish. Faces are PRICELESS. I actually learned
12. Ben Rector and Ed Sheerans beautiful voices
13. God...duh.
Have a good day(:
Jeans:Hudson Denim Shirt: Ruche Sweater: Ruche Shoes: D.I.
{Peace. Love. And Granola Bars}
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