
Sweet heart. Bitch. Sweetheart.

 I'm not going to lie, high school was not my shining moment of glory.
I heard my reputation once. "Too nice"
Clara's quirky. Maybe a little too quirky.
She is too accepting.
She just has weirdos following her around.
(Also I would like to point out the fact that I'm so nice over ruled my reputation as the girl who came to school with a cat printed somewhere on her clothing at least twice a week.)
Now I don't see why this is a bad thing, this is the kind of thing that would make me happy if it were to be told to my face.
But it wasn't. It was told behind my back, by a girl who thought qualities like trying to be non judgmental are something to be ashamed of.
I am judgemental. I am a little bit of a bitch. Okay. A lot of a bitch. But I'm trying.
I know how much pain there is in this world and I don't want to add anymore pain by thinking someones not wearing the right clothes.
I do talk bad about people. It's hard not to. Get with someone whom you share acquaintances with. And unless it's a business/professional relationship, the truth of the matter is that gossip is going to come out of it.
I see someone and I do the whole thing in my head. I judge them. Based on outward appearances.
But than I remind myself that they are children of god. And personalities over ride looks.
And I am not better than anyone else. Ever.
I'm trying. I'm trying to be honest and real with people. Not be all sugary and sweet.
I'm working.
 I'm human. 
I'm trying.

{sweetdreams. Day dreams and night dreams alike}

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