
Make a wish! I've been thinking about what I want to wish for.  Do I want to have the perfect boyfriend? Do I want to be popular? Do I want the perfect body? Do I want to travel the world? Do I want to have more money than  I could ever imagine spending? Yes I do. It would be nice, if I am to be completly honest. But you know what I'm going to wish for is to be happy. Plain and simple. Plus I have God with me, so what do I really need to wish for?  Yeah, I would really, like really like my parents to not be divorced. I wish I could go back in time and have that not happen. But it has made me the person I am today. And she's pretty cool...you know she is. So you know I'm still going to make a wish, wish that one boy would like me back, wish I could be a rockstar. Because imagining is fun. Make a wish! I dare you!!!
Oh and I would like to thank all of the men and women who have and will serve our country, thank you for risking your life to keep me safe. You're my heros! Oh shout out to mom, I think you're beautiful. And so does everyone who sees you. Plus you have the BEST personality! Love you, and I know that God gave me you to get through this crazy thing called life.
Tonight this little girl is going on a date. a DATE. You heard that right. Someone wants to ask nerdy little Clara to be with them. Like eat dinner and dance. His name is Tommy he goes to Lehi High and its sadies. Roaring twenties theme! Should I start posting outfits on here? Maybe? Oh and while we're at it, I haven't shaved since halloween. And I'm wearing a dress. Right now. In public. Oh well. Have a good weekend and be safe!
{Peace. Love. And Granola Bars}

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