
Do what you want. You live once.

Society you can't change me. Your pressure is not welcome here anymore. Please leave. I like who I am. I'm done being what others want me to be. I'm being what I need to be. Which is Real. And crazy and somewhat weird. I'm nice and funny and smart and pretty cool. And I'm close to God and that's all I need. Life isn't about pleasing others, its pleasing yourself.  Because I'll let you in on a little secret, if no one's mad at you you're doing something wrong. You need your own opinions and style and little laugh. No one else could ever fill the position on earth that you were put here to do. I am comfortable with myself. I don't care what others think of me. If I want to wear a hideous rainbow sweater out in public, I will. And I will rock it. It makes me sad that there are girls who if  you meet one of them, you've met the whole group. People are always what others want them to be.

So  if you want to sing, go ahead and sing. Same with art or sports or  any other dreams. Stand up for yourself. Don't let people walk all over you. Because you are awesome and you have to let that be known! Quit chasing small realities and start chasing big dreams. Do I really think that I'll be a famous singer? Or be a doctor married to a rich man? Are these realistic? No. Will they happen? Probably not. But guess what? I won't know unless I try. I would rather die trying then living a life that I hate. I've had enough of  being in a box. I don't have to be what others want me to be. I'm not a puzzle piece. I'm the whole picture. Live. Wear colors. Tell horrible jokes. Tell the person you admire from a far how you feeel. Sing in public. Smile at strangers. Travel and get lost. Eat a whole bowl of cookie dough. Be adventorous. Do what you want. You live once.

This week I am grateful for:
1. Giorgo Armani Acqua Di Go {perfume}
2. Fat mexican kids with glasses
3. Sentimental jewelery
4. Spanish Tutors
5. Pearls
6. Health
7. Gold fish
8. Bucket List
9. "Stolen" dresses
10. Harry Potter Lego on my Ipad
11. Pandora
12. My journal
13. God
{Peace. Love. And Granola Bars}

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