
Flawless from the outside, into the in between.

Hello cyber world. For all you lovelies reading this dear post here i'd like to inform you that this is not clara. Shocking? Possibly. But anyway, this is Nolle. Yes, Nolle as in the commonly referred to bestfriend, sister and "nib" by your one and only Clara Luna Dahl. Reason for hacking and posting on the extremely adored blog are many but mostly I'd just like to let you all in on a little secret here. This girl you read about everyday is different. She's special. Not you're typical and definitely one in a million. About eleven months ago i was stuck in the mid January blues. Or for lack of a better description (desperately lonely depressed deep winter months.) I cried. I prayed. And then I hoped for months and months for "someone" someone to come along and make me a little less lonely. Someone to make me feel like i belonged. Maybe not to someone, but to somewhere. In the midst of all this gray area of my so called sophomore year I met a girl named Clara. With blonde hair and big blue eyes. She was different. Intemidating. And definitely scary to little me. With zero friends and a confidence level to match. Our friendship was different from the start. both growing and changing drastically for the first handful of months of our friendship, we were scattered. Here and there we'd have moments. Moments that would feel like we were best friends which at the time we honestly weren't. They were infrequent, irregular and most surprising to me. But there was something about Clara from the very first day that I met her that left a little taste on my tongue. And reoccurred every time I ran into her. A series of supposedly unfortunate events led to a turning point in both of lives and before I realized what was happening my life changed. I didn't know she'd go and be just what I needed. But fall came around and Clara was standing next to me holding me up when I was falling harder than ever. She listened. She laughed and she made life feel okay again. She's continued to do that since. She's been my rock bottom and my skyscraping all time high. She's my bad day's as well as my good ones too. She's the one I prayed to God for. The one I cried for. The one I hoped for. She's changed my life. And makes me a better person everyday. There's something about Clara that she doesn't even know. She is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met. Inside and out she radiates God and kindness and love. She is stronger than anybody I know. She's known fear, struggle, loneliness and heartbreak. Life's thrown her far more than her share of lemons. And she's come back and shown countless people that the world is still beautiful. There are good people around us and living with hope changes lives. It changed mine. She changed me. Changed my life. This girl, Clara luna Dahl is special. She is unique and she is going big places. She is going to change the world. Just you Wait and see. You won't be disappointed. -Nolle

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